lördag 9 nov, 2024


Orange Stage *** Local Caption *** Orange Stage


ITB mässan (Internationale Tourismusbörse Berlin), är världens största och viktigaste branschmässa inom turism och äger rum i Berlin 5-7 mars 2024. Under dessa tre dagar möter du besökare från hela världen varav drygt 30 000 är aktörer inom det internationella researrangörsledet. Foto:© Messe Berlin GmbH

South Entrance *** Local Caption *** South Entrance
South Entrance *** Local Caption *** South Entrance
South Entrance *** Local Caption *** South Entrance
ITB Berlin Opening Round Tour at the booth of China *** Local Caption *** ITB Berlin Opening Round Tour at the booth of China
ITB Berlin Opening Round Tour at the booth of Kazakhstan *** Local Caption *** ITB Berlin Opening Round Tour at the booth of Kazakhstan
ITB Berlin Opening Round Tour at the booth of Finland *** Local Caption *** ITB Berlin Opening Round Tour at the booth of Finland
ITB Berlin Opening Round Tour at the booth of Morocco *** Local Caption *** ITB Berlin Opening Round Tour at the booth of Morocco
ITB Berlin Opening Round Tour at the booth Brasil *** Local Caption *** ITB Berlin Opening Round Tour at the booth Brasil
Italy press conference with Italy’s tourism minister Daniela Garnero Santanchè *** Local Caption *** Italy press conference with Italy’s tourism minister Daniela Garnero Santanchè
ITB Berlin Opening Round Tour at the booth Dubai *** Local Caption *** ITB Berlin Opening Round Tour at the booth Dubai
ITB Berlin Opening Round Tour at the booth of Emirates Airline *** Local Caption *** ITB Berlin Opening Round Tour at the booth of Emirates Airline
ITB Berlin Opening Round Tour Ribbon Cutting Ceremony *** Local Caption *** ITB Berlin Opening Round Tour Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

ITB Berlin 2024


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